Ready to grow your solopreneur business?
For many solopreneurs, content marketing works better than outbound marketing for generating leads. The cost of blogging is 62% lower, and it generates three times more leads.
That said, you need a strategic plan to get the results you want.
Keep reading for 10 content marketing tips for growing your business and getting your dream clients’ attention.
Tip #1: Be Original
There are no shortcuts to quality content.
Content marketing is designed to show off your knowledge and expertise, and in doing so, to attract your ideal customers.
You can’t do that if you’re recycling other people’s content.
Develop a message that resonates with your target audience. Then create original content to share your ideas.
If you need some tips, here’s how to write better content.
Tip #2: Know Your Demographics
Study your analytics to know who is engaging with your brand. Are they predominantly male or female? What age group? Where are they located?
When creating content, speak directly to your audience. Target their desires and needs. Help them solve their problems, and offer your service or product as their best solution.
Tip #3: Leverage Guest Blogging
Content on your own website gives prospects a way to learn how you work and what you can do for them. But as a solopreneur, you may struggle to get traffic to your site.
Guest blogging puts your content on a bigger platform. Look for websites that target your ideal customers and accept guest posts. Then pitch your idea.
Tip: Don’t use templates to write your email. The editor wants to see that you write well and know how to engage a readers. So be yourself. Share your idea and ask if they’re interested. That’s it. Editors are people too.
Tip #4: Be Social
Today, everyone you’re targeting is on social media. Find the channels where they hang out, and be active there.
Ideally, you want to post every day. But I’ll be honest, I’m usually too busy with client projects to do that — and you may be too.
You can still do well if you post 2 to 3 times a week. Aim for one value post and one personality post each week.
A value post shares your expertise: Share a tip, an observation, a reminder. Help your audience learn and improve.
A personality post shares something about you: Share a pic of you working in your home office or hanging out with your family. Help your audience get to know you as a person.
Tip #5: Get on the Stage
To amplify your message, share it from a stage.
Put together a speech that shows off your knowledge and experience. Then offer to share it in podcasts, webinars, and on stage at events.
Don’t be shy. You’ll get more clients and more referrals if people know, like, and trust you. And the best way to be “known” is to show up in a big way.
Tip #6: Partner up with Other Brands
Want to write a book or put on an event? You can extend your reach and share the work load if you partner with other brands.
Partnering with other solopreneurs is a win for everyone. Each person brings their own strengths to the table. Together, you can get more done in less time.
Tip #7: Hire Creative Professionals
Working solo don’t mean you have to do everything yourself. If you take on more work than you can handle alone, hire help. And if a project needs expertise you don’t have, subcontract with another solopreneur in your network.
You can find solopreneurs to partner with in a group like the Hub. Or reach out to professionals via freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.
Tip #8: Host Brand-Building Events
Event marketing can quickly establish you as a leader in your space. It will also help you build your list, generate leads, and put you top of mind when your best customers are ready to hire.
Events may include webinars, two-hour workshops, or 3-day conferences. The scope of the event is completely up to you.
And you can feature yourself or others. I highly recommend that you speak at your own event, but you can also invite other speakers to participate. Consider interviewing guests or introducing them and giving them the stage.
Tip #9: Support the Customer Journey
As you can see, content marketing isn’t reserved for articles and social media posts. You should be creating content for every stage of the customer journey.
At the top of the funnel, your content should attract your ideal customers. Write original blog posts and engaging social media posts.
For prospects who are in the consideration stage, you need content that educates your prospects about the issues they’re facing. Think advanced guides, reports, and studies.
For people who are ready to hire someone, provide FAQs and case studies that answer lingering questions and remove any doubts that you can do the job.
Tip #10: Study the Industry
As a solopreneur, you’re not glorified employee. Remember that. You’re a solutions provider. To fill that role, you need to stay on top of the industry. Know the trends. Know what’s working and why.
When your client calls to chat about their project, treat it as a consultation. Share your knowledge. Guide their decisions.
That’s going to position you as a partner, not an order-taker. And that’s going to help you attract your best clients.
Content Marketing Stats (Infographic)
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